

I have been nominated by Michelle @ By His Grace 211 and Arlene @ Armoured Up for the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award.

My requirements are to list seven things about myself. Really, I lead a very quiet life with my husband out in the country. So I will list seven things I am striving towards.

1. Spending more quiet time with my God
2. Striving to quiet my mouth and listen better
3. Looking at everything in my life as a blessing from God
4. Striving to be more appreciative
5. Learning to quiet my soul and listen
6. Learning to forgive – forgive and forgive again
7. Leaving my life in God’s capable Hands and stop trying to take control

Here are the seven Wonderful Blog-Sites – You will be blessed when you read these Sister in Christ writings (no particular order)

1. Witty Words by Christi – http://christimcguireblog.com/

2. Two Minutes of Grace by Debbie – http://twominutesofgrace.wordpress.com/

3. Servants Life by Stacy – http://servantslife.com/

4. Lynna’s Wonderful Life by Lynna – http://lynnaswonderfullife.wordpress.com/

5. Reeknittingwordswithgod by Ree – http://reeknittingwordswithgod.wordpress.com/

6. Even in this by Karen – http://karenfosterministry.wordpress.com/

7. Tellgodthankyou by Debra – http://tellgodthankyou.wordpress.com/