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I have been nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award! I am honored and touched that Druscilla Mott nominated me for this award.

Part of the requirements of this award is to introduce 15 new Blog sites to my readers. Well, my blog site reader list is a short list. But I am honored to introduce new Blog writers that feel the same way I do about the Lord. I would be writing these entries because I am compelled and blessed to share my love for Our Father and His Beloved Son.

1. Druscilla Mott at    http://drusillamott.wordpress.com

2. Lambskinny by Carley Evans @   http://lambskinny.wordpress.com

3. The Wonderful Counselor at   http://thewonderfulcounselor.wordpress.com

4. Holly Gerth at  http://hollygerth.com

5. Linda Kruschke’s Blog at:  http://lindakruschke.wordpress.com/

6. Uncle Tree @  http://uncletreeshouse.com/

7. Truth 4 Today @     http://truth4today@wordpress.com

8. Leroy Dean @  http://butchdean@wordpress.com/

9. Russell McKinney @   http://russellmckinney.com

10. Lysa Terkeurst @   http://lysaterkeurst.com

11. Its not really about me at:   http://judikruis.wordpress.com/

12. Learning to be Still @     http://learningtobestill.wordpress.com

13. Shadows of Love @     http://christytallamy.wordpress.com

14. Spiritual Walk with God @      http://spiritualwalkwithgod.wordpress.com/

15. Variety of Christian Contributors at:     http://temporaryvisitors.wordpress.com/

Bless all who write for God’s Glory!
Romans 1:12 says: That is, that you and I may be mutually encourage by each others faith.

Now to complete my Versatile Blogger Mission to write seven “things” about myself:
1. I am crazy in love with my Father God and His Son, Jesus
2. I am a daughter, sister, cousin, aunt, great aunt, mother, grandmother and wife.
3. I march to a different drummer – always have and always will.
4. I have a goofy sense of humor – so watch out.
5. I was awoke many nights in thoughts of writing this Blog – (I think it was the Holy Spirit tapping me)
6. I stumble into the grace God gives me.
7. I often fail and fall down but God always refreshes my bo-boos.